Thursday, February 9, 2012

the master cold remedy

I have been so sick.
I started a new job two weeks ago and part of it is being a nanny.  First of all, it is the best job ever.  And second, it has the perk of gaining a very strong immune system from working with children. 
So I've been thinking a lot about cold remedies.  Our sad western system of taking pills to cure symptoms which in turn damage your organs and extend your healing process just doesn't cut it.  And the common cold is our most common complaint!  There are a few things I do each day to feel better.  I do a steam using oregano in boiling water with a towel over my head.  I use the neti pot morning and night.  And I put eucalyptus oil under my nose, on my throat, and chest.  All these things help.  But the thing that makes me feel the best is my honey vinegar tea.  Almost all the Ancient Egyptian medicine recipes involve honey.  Honey is a perfect medicine.  It is antibacterial, good for dressing wounds, moisturizing skin, works better than over the counter cough syrup, prevents tooth decay, regulates intestinal function, contains antioxidants, and is used to treat a number of chronic diseases.  And it tastes like candy.  Of course, the honey you buy should be raw and unfiltered, and it should be local.  Local honey also helps us build up tolerance to local allergens.
The recipe is simple.
A cup of boiling water that you let fall to about 98 - 101 degrees (body temp)
about a tablespoon or more of honey
a tablespoon of natural apple cider vinegar (unfiltered, still has the mother culture, like Bragg's)
juice from 1/4 lemon
It works every time.

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